Get your creativity on and come on a journey to discover the endless options for using.
Glow Powder Sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are bursting with different types of glow in the dark applications that anyone can try. Here are just a few ideas you can try out with quality glow in the dark or phosphorescent powder.
Paint Your Walls
This guy created this amazing background (and fore/floor ground) to compliment his drum kit. It looks absolutely crazy. Just mix powder and paint of your choice and apply.Give Life to Your Artwork
By adding a few glowing touches here and there, you can create an element of surprise to your painting, and a point of difference like no other.
Mix it with Resin
This is the most popular application for glow powder at the moment, with avid woodworkers looking to re-create this image.
But resin can also be used to create jewellery, fridge magnets, charms, molded numbers, wall pieces, and more.
Give it a Cosmetic Approach
Well, not quite cosmetic but you can use the powder in nail polish or make your own body paint.
As with all applications of product on the skin, make sure you do a test patch first to see if you have an allergy to the powder or medium you are mixing it with.
There are a number of ways you can create your own glowing body paint but this one is really simple to do – just add glow powder, cornflour and moisturiser together and slap it on. Great fun for camping with the kids or smearing on your dog that goes walk about at night. And completely washes off.
And these crazy nails just need white nail polish and glow powder – these ones are yellow green.
What else?
● Cement
● Grout
● Glue
● Plaster of Paris
● Sealer
● Candles
● Hair gel
● Plastic
● Glass
● Slime
● Paint
● And soooo much more….
As long as you are not mixing powder with dark colours and ambient light will not diminish the glow, there are little limitations for its use.